Europe doesn’t grow because of the treaties.
It grows from the heart of the citizens, or is doomed to failure”.
Konrad Adenauer.
But who are we poking fun at? Indeed, Belgian jokes are very popular in France, Luxemburg and Netherlands such as jokes on Swedes are very common in Norway, Denmark and Finland. In the Baltic countries, people tend to laugh at Estonians, whereas in Balkan states, they do jokes on Bosnians. This list is the first attempt ever made to compile the national targets of jokes in each European country. Europe is full of this “jokelore”. Don’t worry, most of the researchers like Davies and Leon Rappoport have argued that ethnic jokes do not propagate ethnic stereotypes, but are often a way of positive interaction between communities. Jokes on neighbors, according to Anthony Giddens, provide the security of being and the maintenance of a “known” and “controllable” identity. So just enjoy!