” Όλες οι υπηρεσίες έχουν διατεθεί για την περίθαλψη των τραυματιών στη Βοστώνη. Χαιρετίζουμε όσους ανταποκρίθηκαν τόοσ γρήγορα και αποτελεσματικά. Ακόμη δεν γνωρίζουμε ποιός και γιατί το έκανε. Και δεν πρέπει να βιαζόμαστε να βγάλουμε συμπεράσματα. Είμαι πεπεισμένος ότι οι πολίτες της Βοστώνης θα ανασυγκροτηθούν, θα φροντίσουν ο ένας τον αλλο, και θα προχωρήσουν. Να μην έχετε καμία αμφιβολί: Θα βρούμε ποιοί το έκαναν. Και θα τους κάνουμε να πληρώσουν για την πράξη τους”, δήλωσε ο Μπαράκ Ομπάμα.
Νωρίτερα, ο Λευκός Οίκος ανέβασε στο Twitter και το Facebook φωτογραφία του Αμερικανού Προέδρου Μπαράκ Ομπάμα μέσα από το Οβάλ Γραφείο, όπου ενημερώνεται στο τηλέφωνο για το μακελειό στη Βοστώνη, έχοντας δίπλα του στενούς συνεργάτες του.
Την ενημέρωση στον Αμερικανό Πρόεδρο έκανε ο διοικητής του FBI Ρόμπερτ Μίλερ, ενώ δίπλα στον Μπαράκ Ομπάμα στέκονται η Λίζα Μόνακο, βοηθός του Προέδρου για την Εσωτερική Ασφάλεια και την αντιμετώπιση της τρομοκρατίας, και ο Προσωπάρχης του Λευκού Οίκου Ντένις ΜακΝτόναχ.
Το πλήρες κείμενο της δήλωσης του Αμερικανού Προέδρου Μπαράκ Ομπάμα έχει ως εξής:
“Good afternoon, everybody. Earlier today I was briefed by my homeland security team on the events in Boston. We’re continuing to monitor and respond to the situation as it unfolds, and I’ve directed the full resources of the federal government to help state and local authorities protect our people, increase security around the United States, as necessary, and investigate what happened.
The American people will say a prayer for Boston tonight, and Michelle and I send our deepest thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims in the wake of this senseless loss.
We don’t yet have all the answers, but we do know that multiple people have been wounded, some gravely, in explosions at the Boston Marathon. I’ve spoken to FBI Director Mueller and Secretary of
Homeland Secretary Napolitano, and they’re mobilizing the appropriate resources to investigate and to respond.
I’ve updated leaders of Congress in both parties, and we reaffirm that on days like this there are no Republicans or Democrats; we are Americans united in concern for our fellow citizens.
I’ve also spoken with Governor Patrick and Mayor Menino, and made it clear that they have every single federal resource necessary to care for the victims and counsel the families. And above all, I made
clear to them that all Americans stand with the people of Boston.
Boston police, firefighters, and first responders, as well as the National Guard, responded heroically and continue to do so as we speak.
It’s a reminder that so many Americans serve and sacrifice on our behalf every single day, without regard to their own safety, in dangerous and difficult circumstances. And we salute all those who assisted in responding so quickly and professionally to this tragedy.
We still do not know who did this or why. And people shouldn’t jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. But make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this, and we will find out who did this. We’ll find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will fill the full weight of justice.
Today’s a holiday in Massachusetts, Patriot’s Day. It’s a day that celebrates the free and fiercely independent spirit that this great American city of Boston has reflected from the earliest days of our nation, and it’s a day that draws the world to Boston’s streets in a spirit of friendly competition.
Boston is a tough and resilient town, so are its people. I’m supremely confident that Bostonians will pull together, take care of each other, and move forward as one proud city, and as they do, the
American people will be with them every single step of the way.
You should anticipate that as we get more information, our teams will provide you briefings. We’re still in the investigation stage at this point. But I just want to reiterate, we will find out who did this, and we will hold them accountable. Thank you very much.”