German Chancellor Frau Merkel assumed full responsibility for CDU's collapse in yesterday's elections and declared the end of her political career sometime in the long future.
How the Time's magazine person of the year for 2015 became one of the most obnoxious personality in her own country is more or less known. What she has to demonstrate in her last three year's policy is the overwhelming of Europe with illegal immigrants and the Brexit that destroys what the post-World II leaders built upon countless sacrifices from all ideological sides and during many decades.

What only has to be said is "Good Bye Frau Merkel". No-one will miss you. You made with your boss Greece a colony within yours political and ideological system and Greece just opened the door for your abortion. This the goddess of Nemesis, coming now for a better Germany, a better Greece, a better European Union. You simply was the weakest link of the three...