Πέμπτη 16 Απριλίου 2015

Will Greece become new Lehman Brothers?

Greece represents only 2% of Europe economy but it is still an unknown big "black hole" in case of a disaster cannot  be determined what will swallow in the end. After five years that Troika, IMF,EC and ECB took over to save Greece little have been done for such a long period. Even after 25th January 2015 national elections here the only thing that seems Greece by its Prime Minister Mr.Tsipras and Troika to agree now is the new name of the last "Institutions".
Institutions and especially EU have proved immature politically to solve Greek issue. It is even arguable if EU had sincerely the will to solve this problem. From the first moment of the crisis most powerful countries of Europe like Germany and France seemed to be interested more in facing their own problems and faults that caused crisis and then handle EU common  issues. The same happens now with the thousands illegal immigrants that "invade" EU countries and each one has a different zeal for this serious and dangerous threat.
The most representing fact that neither Greece nor EU as a whole are interested in Greek society and its dysfunction all these years happened last week. When Vice President of Greek Parliament distinguished lawyer and Senator Mr. Mitropoulos that represents Greek people was fined at last by Taxes Services with a 1.9 million euro fine for an illegal action in 90's came out after few days and referred to a list with 200.000 Greeks that transferred obviously to European banks 100 billion euro after the burst of the crisis in 2009. That list according to his words included past Ministers of Finance, politicians, journalists and many more.
This abnormal component of Greek society that obstacles every healthy treatment for Greek economy seems like an Indian "holy cow" that no one wants to bother. Neither consecutive Greek prime Ministers from 2009 nor Troika or Institutions. With this prerequisite for both sides unfortunately there is no other solution than wages and pensions of poor Greek people that are vanished month by month leading to a deadlock. The majority of privatizations are not proceeding all these years as investors have to "pay their tribute" to these 200.000 that are blackmailing their percentage especially to those investors that come outside EU and are desirable. 
Nowadays Mr Tsipras has no power to decrease more poor people income and no will to disclose the "bribing dictatorship" of Greeks that have accumulated their money to European and Swiss banks. Mr. Schaeuble deliberately avoids to refer to Siemens' methods of past decade in Greece armaments and Greek aristocracy seeks desperately money protection and extend living as a refugee to BRICS along with a suicide appeal to rest Greeks.
As long as no one extinguish this lethal "microbe" in Greek society, Greece will remain a threat to all and especially to itself and its Greeks hostages of a decent life. So simple. An untreated cancer is more dangerous than a cancer itself.
It is in human nature to resist to a self genocide. Greece will not become a new Lehman Brothers as this along with Russia offensive attitude and ISIS abominable determination for human compliance may result to a world self genocide. 
Whoever of the above passes the red line will be extinguished in an non-lethal way that will represent 21th century and WWIII War...