Tsipras is still on
the table waiting for next round. Tsipars’ world was defeated last Monday
but Tripras denies defeat. He is here to handle billion euros from Europe so as
to counterattack in near future.
He is a leader without army and money anymore.
But he has his opponents working for him. His political party may have a schism
but all his domestic political opposes are voting for him already with pleasure and obedience.
His goals remain the
initial ones of ruling Greece and dividing Europe. He reached first he champs at the bit for the last.
He has allies in and out
Europe and he has no intention to leave the table without the final win.
He waits for next year
when world obstacles will become shorter while keeping Greece as a volunteer hostage in the meanwhile.
Greeks were brought up for 35 years looting their own country without national
conscience. There is no difficulty for Tsipras to control everything now and to gain
time. Greeks they want everything but euro limitations.
Greece is built on
oligarchs from its modern birth on 3 Feb 1830 in London and still works for
them. Greeks are used to disobey all but Tsipras no matter how much is
humiliating them. Majority is democracy and majority has not be hurt enough to
ostracize Tsipras.
A political monopoly domains Greece so as no one dares to stand for a brighter future. Greeks have no political
options than Tsipras and Noone. If nothing changes Tsipras will win Noone as he only exists.
Tsipras signature is
invalid as he already has declared nationally inside Parliament that he does not
believe in his new bail out. He has no belief as atheist in God as well as
Prime Minister in Europe. No belief means no dream and no dream means no hope.
No hope leads only to destruction and darkness as Tsipras is a great leader no
Europe may won Tsipras last Monday but Europe is bleeding already. Europe is built on
blood indeed but if Tsipras is on table for long time Europe will collide one more time
with itself so as to find the final winner in 21th century.
Except rain comes soon to a new land here along with
billions from north Europe to resuscitate a new Greek heart for Europe…