Foundation of our political party symbolizes the Dawn
of Greek “Metapolitefsis” era. It aims at optimism and prosperity of Greeks
with their equal and strong participation in modern west civilization.
do not want to see the destruction of our homeland without will and
action. We want to tell our children that we tried against all they
bring destruction in Greece.
Democracy for the relief of powerless and reward of excellent
is the only acceptable system for governing for the future of this country.
Powerful Army Forces guarantees our democratic
constitution, our safety and our jobs for prosperity.
Greece productive reconstruction based on a certain
national economic plan and on our competitive advantages internationally with
respect to Laws and above all human rights is the cause of the birth of our new
political party.
Equal participation throughout Greek territory for the
fight against poor conditions of living is our objective.
We leave in the past our sad present in order to write
again united a brilliant future from scratch.
Our new political party takes birth so as to replace
the eternal Greece of begging and bribing and live inside modern west civilization.
Protection of our State wealth and halt of its looting
is our corner stone for re-birthing Greece.
Extinguish of “black” labor and control of public
wealth that has been stolen already with the acceptance of present and previous
political leaders will be the start of re-birthing Greece.
Our culture inheritance combined with the world
principles of respect to human rights will be the bases that will stand up for
a healthy society.
We respect everyone’s right to choose his desires with
only demand his respect to Laws and not harming others.
Our financial support will be totally transparent based
on everyone’s legal contributions on the world that shares our dream.
United we hope to bring Day After in Greece and pride
to our children through our effort and sweat.
We reassure our allies and friends worldwide that
Greece will take soon the right place in 21th century which deserves
reinforcing west civilization inside our world.
Greece will not be devastated, our family properties
and businesses will be protected and Greece will remain in the heart of Europe
and Eurozone.
The rotten world of “Metapolitefsis” has act as a
victim and divided on purpose Greeks will retreat facing reality, our
principles and values.
Our political party name and base will symbolize
Our political party will have hierarchy and structure
all over Greece and world, wherever is a Greek citizen.
Our symbol will reflect the values for New Greece.
Our foundation principles as well as our name symbol
and final foundation statement with 200 sighs will legally take birth according
to the Law.
Responsibility of our actions and delays now is
harming all Greeks.
We call all supporters of Greek civilization worldwide
to support, consent and participate in our new effort.
We call all Greeks, men and women, that accept all the
above to sigh with God help the birth of Modern Greece.