Tsipras is back.
Actually he never left. He just picked up the phone and tonight is there to
conquer America. The most that human reached. Bill Clinton did his best to shed
light to someone who loves dark.
Germany kneeled while France is building its strategy
on Tsipras hegemony. Along his Maria Antoinette is leading his way to disaster. Everyone is
following him. A real leader to nowhere.
He wins by loosing
while insists on a different Europe, a different World where national debt
disappears along with humans' sins.
No one can stop him.
It's a matter of time, a matter of year actually when world allies around him.
Netanyahu called him today
to invite him in his homeland. To meet the unbeatable one. To trade with him
the future.
Tsipras is the human being who will save Greece by destroying it. The
leader who has already taken his whip to torture Greeks with abnormal taxes So as
Greeks hate Euro, Europe, Greece and abandon their soils.
Tsipras spoke without
shame in front of Bill Clinton protecting Greek oligarchy, the smugglers of
democracy, assuring that nothing will change to the wrong direction. He just
blinked his eye to Hillary. Beside him Mrs Agelopoulou who learned little by
actual Olympic spirit.
Europe is losing its
faith and Tsipras is the right atheist to take over. The leftist who can be in
the same time the capitalist, the Lord.
The political God who
submitted science. The political leader who was supposed to risk losing by all pre-elections votes measurements and
managed to refute even elections day exit polls by winning easily with a 7%
head. No one can doubt him concerning present Greek politicians. Mr Kikilias
will take over opposition party to reassure his sick dominance in Greece.
What next for Tsipras.
A Germany defeat, a Europe dismantle, a World War III or a Greek dissolution? Maybe
all the above.
Tsipras can defy all
but one. Time is running out for him.
Someone else has picked the phone on Mars today...