Is there a European idea? Is there Europe? What gave
birth after millions dead of WWII has definitely disappeared. National interest is above
all again. Like 1648 everyone is set to defend its
own roots. One nation is accusing other inside Europe as negligent or selfish. Productive or lazy.
Economic crisis after Lehman Brothers explosion and
refugees cataclysm founded Europe completely unprepared and self destructive.
What was founded once upon a time as a sole set of rules and principles of life
has been transformed nowadays as a simple temporarily national interest without
sense and beauty no doubt.
of Europe’s triangle basis are antagonizing themselves
threatening even with a Europe’s mutilation in case their national
are met. Is this Europe of 21th century? Are Mrs Merkel, Mr Hollande and
Cameron words what soldiers of their nations’ gave their lives for? Is
Mr.Tsipras what Greek spirit represents worth their strongly support?
Europe will meet its destiny in 2016 and will even be
dismantled or coagulated. Nazism, radicalization and populism is waiting impatiently
for their turn in every European nation. Communism and capitalization are dead indeed. These were 20th
century philosophies and whoever is stuck on these is losing his time. Every
leader who is not preparing his nation for the new world outside the world is a
pure victim of a selfish inner policy against his nation.
Human’s prosperity and extroversion can only lead
European nations towards new era of humanity. Who will talk about nowadays nonsense
after two decades? Technology and communication will determine 21th century and
Europe is still searching itself in a futile power game between Germany, France and
UK. If they will keep on this by serving anti-human interests there is no doubt
that soon Europe and their nations will suffer isolated and obsolete.
It is ridiculous to support an idea that one nation can
prevail in Europe by ruling others destiny. These were 19th century dreams
that led to unneeded bloodshed twice to prove
that the easiest way to serve your opponents will is to destroy yourself
by turning the time round and round again moving to nowhere.
Refugees are the “blood” of an another civilization that is purring
inside Europe from Middle East, a place where human civilization was born and
still controls World. European leaders have no reason to hide themselves like they
were defeated. They have to react offensively and move towards Asia without losing
their identity, their principles of life. Either they will conquer or they will
be conquered during 21th century. There is no middle way. Freedom or dark are only
Is Europe ready to fight for its existence along with US
or is devoted to a new medieval dark trying to find which European country will
prevail in itself? Time is traveling and 2016 will show who is working for
whom. WWIII or another World are only endings.
Let’s wait and what human’s destiny is…